Simultaneous Determination of Copper, Lead and Cadmium in Agar by Differential Potentiometric Stripping Analysis 微分电位溶出法同时测定琼脂中的铜、铅、镉
This program can be used to treat experimental data from potentiometric stripping analysis, polarography and EMF method. 此程序能用于电位溶出法、极谱法和电势法研究配合物的实验数据处理。
The differential potentiometric stripping analysis at silver microelectrodes is reported. 本文首次报道了银微电极微分电位溶出分析法。
Development of Differential Potentiometric Stripping Analysis Instrument Based on Virtual Instrument 基于虚拟仪器技术的微分电位溶出分析仪的研制
A program for potentiometric stripping analysis written by C language is described. 介绍了用C语言编写的电位溶出分析程序;
Simultaneous Determination of Arsenic Content in Rice by Microwave Digestion-Differential Potentiometric Stripping Analysis 微波消解-微分电位溶出法测定大米中砷含量
Aim: To investigate the application of chemically modified electrodes in potentiometric stripping analysis. 目的:将修饰电极应用于电位溶出分析。
Theory of potentiometric stripping analysis and its experimental verification 电位溶出分析法的理论和验证
The application of mercury film electrodes coated by cellulose acetate in Potentiometric Stripping Analysis 醋酸纤维聚合物膜修饰的汞膜玻碳电极在电位溶出分析中的应用
Determination of Lead and Copper in Wine by Interrupted Multiple-Scan potentiometric Stripping Analysis 间断多次扫描电位溶出分析法测定酒中铅铜
Adsorption potentiometric stripping analysis and flow injection analysis were combined to enhance the sensitivity. 利用具有高灵敏度的吸附电位溶出分析法与流动注射分析结合,使流动注射电位溶出分析灵敏度进一步提高。
Determination of Bioavailable Lead Using Bismuth-film Electrodes by Differential Potentiometric Stripping Analysis 生物可利用铅的铋膜电极微分电位溶出法测定研究
Determination of Pb and Zn in Wine by Using Bismuth-Film Electrode by Differential Potentiometric Stripping Analysis 铋膜电极微分电位溶出法测定酒中铅和锌
Potentiometric Stripping Analysis of Silver 银的电位溶出分析
Adsorption of Cu(ⅱ) on Kaolinite and the Influence of Humic Acid Through Potentiometric Stripping Analysis 电位溶出法初步研究Cu~(2+)在高岭石上的吸附及受胡敏酸的影响
Differential Potentiometric Stripping Analysis for zinc, cadmium, lead and copper in sea water 海水中锌、镉、铅、铜的微分电位溶出分析
A carbon fiber microelectrode is prepared for multiple-scanning potentiometric stripping analysis. 本文介绍一种新型碳纤维微电极(CFE),应用于多扫描电位溶出分析(MPSA)的研究、实验结果表明.CFE用作MPSA研究中的工作电报。
This thesis discussed the continual determination of the lead and manganese in serum samples by differential potentiometric stripping analysis ( DPSA). 探讨了用微分电位溶出法连续测定血清中的铅和锰。
Potentiometric Stripping Analysis& a New Electroanalytical Method for the Trace Determinations 一种新的电化学分析方法电位溶出分析法
Studies on flow injection potentiometric stripping analysis 流动注射电位溶出分析法的研究理论推导和验证
This paper discussed simply the advantage and character of determination of trace elements by linear scanning polarography ( LSP) and potentiometric stripping analysis ( PSA), and also list some key parameters in analysis of more than ten kinds of trace elements, including electrolyte and peak potential etc. 简述了线扫极谱和电位溶出分析在微量元素检测中的优势和特点,列表给出了10余种常见元素的测定底液及峰电位等关键参数。
Determination of Chloride Ion by Flow Injection-Cathodic Potentiometric Stripping Analysis 流动注射-恒电流电位溶出法测定氯离子的研究
Differential Potentiometric Stripping Analysis for bismuth(ⅲ) in seawater 海水中铋(Ⅲ)的微分电位溶出分析
〔 Method s 〕 Differential potentiometric stripping analysis was used. 〔方法〕微分电位溶出分析法。
Studies of Metal Complexes by Potentiometric Stripping Analysis 金属配合物的电位溶出法研究
A new method for determination of stability constants of complex by differential potentiometric stripping analysis was described. 报道用微分电位溶出分析法测定配合物在玻炭电极上氧化溶出电位与配位体浓度之间的关系,研究配合物的逐级稳定常数和参与形成配合物的配位体数目。
Design of a Simple Electrolyzer for Medium Exchange and Study on Potentiometric Stripping Analysis 适用于改换介质的简易电解池设计及其电位溶出分析的应用研究
Determination of the condition stability constant for re-edta by Potentiometric Stripping Analysis and injection potentiometric stripping analysis 电位溶出分析法和流动注射-电位溶出分析法测定Re-EDTA配合物稳定常数
Quick Determination of Trace of Thallium by Potentiometric Stripping Analysis 电位溶出分析法应用研究&微量铊的快速测定
Determination of Germanium by Potentiometric Stripping Analysis with a Gold-Film Electrode 金膜电极电位溶出分析法测定锗